A book of prayers to the Holy Face of Jesus
Time Travel
Get Your Ticket Punched! There’s Room For All!
We are Given Time and Free Will! What we freely do with our open free will is up to us. Our Time is limited and to us an unknown quantity!
I wish to ask you to travel back through time to a specific date in time!
The first time to look back at is birth of our Lord at Christmas!
Our Lord’s first appearance was at the “fullness of time” when our Lord comes to us in the frailty of his human nature!
That point in time is directed to a Second Point in Time, A Point in Time in the Future! The Point of Our Lord’s second coming, the Time when our Lord will appear in the Splendor of his Divine Glory!
In the first Christmas, His divinity is obscured and hidden by His humanity: in his second birth, the humanity will be veiled over by the Splendor of His Divinity!
Both of these times, the one past and the one forthcoming, should invigorate us in faith and hope!
The Time yet to come, the Time of His Glorious Return, will bring to fulfillment the fullness of Time, when He will initiate the New Time of the New Heavens and the New Earth!
So, now that we know the 2 most Important Points in Time, the question remains…What will you do with the Time and Free Will that You have To Be a recipient of that Divine Glory and Splendor?
Don’t be Late Because You don’t Want to Miss the Bus!