A book of prayers to the Holy Face of Jesus

Slave Labor

We Can Be Subject To Many Masters


On Independence Day most of us had a Free Day to spend time with Loved ones! A day away from work! A day to celebrate our Independence as a Nation!


On Independence Day, may you have had a moment to reflect on what’s really important and is our work giving us what we “really” need.  Is it giving us satisfaction in giving back in meaningful ways to others? To God?

Or are we slaves to the possessions we have acquired and the money it takes to “feed the beast?”


“Work without love is slavery.”  St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta.


Any work done with Love is not work!

Here’s a little reminder I have used over the years to help me determine if I have balance in my life and to keep my Priorities straight:

     -Money is only Good for the Good it can Do;

     -Time Is Precious; and

     -Your family and Your Health are Priceless.

These three things have helped me over the years to stay rooted in what’s really, really important in my life!  Lately, however, I decided I need to add one more to keep me focused and grounded in staying passionate about everything I do whether it is work, play, or prayer and reflection! It is the ultimate measuring stick on giving me fulfillment and on knowing that I am getting the most that this life has to offer! It is knowing that what I do is making a difference in my own life and in the lives of others. It is the reward of my time and generosity that allows others to blossom:

“Love One Another As I Have Loved You.” John 13:34.


I sincerely hope that on Independence Day you enjoyed the “New Freedom” that happens when we use our Passions. Gifts and Talents in a Loving Way to serve others, that we in turn are rewarded and fulfilled!  Anything else is just a paycheck!

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