A book of prayers to the Holy Face of Jesus

Nature Abhors a Vacuum​


Black Holes In Space…Light Gobbling Behemoths. They’re Within Us Too…Let Grace Fill The Void As Only God Can!


According to the ancient philosopher Aristotle, “(n)ature abhors a vacuum.”


Nature requires every space to be filled with something, even if that something is colorless, odorless air.


The same principle is at work in our spiritual lives. When the Holy Spirit begins to convict us of sin, the idea of starting a self-improvement plan immediately comes to mind. We put forth our best effort to defeat our worst habits. But every attempt to get rid of unclean thoughts, attitudes, and desires is destined to fail because getting rid of one creates a vacuum in our souls. As soon as we empty ourselves of one vice, others move in to take its place, and we end up just as bad or worse than when we started.


Mother Teresa gives us a starting point to assist us:


“We must be present with and to the Lord, in silence as Mary practiced silence. We begin with silence of the will, that is, willing nothing but the will of God. Begin here and the rest will come. The Holy Spirit will come upon you and you will experience silence. Guard and protect it with love and you will become a garden enclosed. Silence is the soil for the seed of the word.”  –St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, p. 50.


Once we silence our own will, we need to consciously remove sins and vices of the heart, mind and soul through prayerful repentance and sincere confession! We need to then “fill the void” with graces, gifts and virtues to get us back on track!


Perhaps this prayer can help:


Blessed Mother full of Grace help me to live in a state of grace so that I may bring Christ Jesus into my heart, to fill my heart and to unite his sacred heart with my own!

Blessed Mother help me to live in profound humility as you did the lowly hand maid of the Lord, so that I may always know my nothingness and fully appreciate God’s allness! Through this profound humility let my soul become a pure and empty vessel so that I may be “filled” with the gift of Holy Spirit!

Come Holy Spirit come by means of the Powerful intercession of the Immaculate heart of Mary, your well beloved spouse!


Blessed Mother, you have found favor with God! Help us Mother through your intercessory prayers to know and fully understand God’s divine will for us so that we may serve the Triune God to the fullest!

In Jesus Name we pray! Amen


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