A book of prayers to the Holy Face of Jesus

Bring Comfort to the King  



I seek to be the chalice of comfort    

to the King in his dark hour.  

A conformity of Wills    

Unified in grace to the Will of the Father.  

A harmony of heart and soul  

Comfort to the King  

In his darkest hour.  

I unite in prayer  to the suffering servant  

And obedient Son  

About to offer all in perfect charity.  

Comfort to the King  

Consolation to My Christ and His Cross  

Betrayed, denied, and abandoned by his own.  

I comfort the Queen in her spiritual agony,  

Her heart pierced and soul wounded.  

I share the weeping tears and take refuge for my own pain, 

 in the safe refuge of her Immaculate and Sorrowful heart.   

The first sepulchre of Our Lord, 

is the Immaculate and wounded heart of Mary, 

as she cradles her lifeless Son at the foot of the Cross, 

 bathed in tears of a Most Sorrowful Mother. 

In unceasing prayer and Divine Hope of the anguished Mother, 

she penetrates the Heavenly realms, 

 and the heart of the Father!

We intercede and join in unified prayer to give comfort to the Queen, 

and glory to the Father in 

 Complete trust, 

Conviction to Christ, 

and Perfect Charity,

 In Divine Love.

Glory awaits the suffering church now in darkness,

to suffer and die and rise again

in the glory of his Kingdom

of life, of peace,

in the Divine Will!



 Romans 5:1-5 (RSV) 

"Therefore, since we are justified by faith,

we Through him we have obtained acces

 More than that

we and endurance produces character,

and character produces hope,

 and hope does not disappoint us,

because God’s love has been poured into our heart

through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us."





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