A book of prayers to the Holy Face of Jesus

Be Strong in the Lord!  


Be strong in the Lord,   

And weak in self love!  

Let your vocation and gifts manifest in the fullness of grace.  

And humbly and fearlessly,  

Be strong in the Lord!  

All authority has been given to Christ our King!  

And it is his desire to pour oceans of mercy on this fallen world.  

The body must always act in perfect Union and harmony with the Head.  

Therefore, we are either for him or against him!  

When we are strong in the Lord,  

We surrender in docility to the will of the creator and we become forged in its strength and endurance.  

Strength to strength when we conform ourselves to the perfection of God’s Divine Will!  

The Power and the Love and the Mercy of the Godhead flows through us as streams of living waters,  

And the world around us is touched by the fullness of grace from the creator to all creation!  

We become the powerful instruments of grace,  

To heal, and teach, and assist others in overcoming sin and death!  

This is a heavenly harmony!  

Salt and light for the world to see and taste the goodness of Our God!  

We are strong in the Lord, and we strengthen those who are weak, 

 we enlighten those who are blind, and we heal those who are wounded!  

Divine love is self sacrificing love!    

To build and strengthen muscle, it must be torn down and exercised.  

The mind must be taught and learn right ordered faith, 

so that reason and intellect manifest both physically and spiritually!  

All things foreign to the perfection of our creation must be overcome through prayer and patient endurance!  

Fasting and penance help us overcome the lower faculties and lift our spirits to overcome 

 the world, the flesh, and the devil!  

The self will becomes submissive to the Divine Will of the creator!  

Be strong in the Lord, and weak in self love and human desires!  


Ephesians 6:10-12 (RSV)  

 "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.  

Put on the whole armor of God, 

 that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.  

For we are not contending against flesh and blood, 

 but against the principalities, against the powers, 

against the world rulers of this present darkness, 

 against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."


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