A book of prayers to the Holy Face of Jesus

Torch Bearers!  


Our Lord Speaks:  

"Take the grace in stride.  

Keep your eyes always on the prize!  

There is grace and love in every corner,  

In every action,  

In every hardship!  

So run you remnant faithful!  

Run to glory and set the pace and the focus on the finish line!  

Let your Flame of Love and the glory of God shine in you!  

You are the light of the world!  

This is the greatest truth in which you must stand.  

For the souls and the sake of others.  

This dawn must give way to the morning star 

and the new day with the sun and all its glory will shine on all humanity!   

All must stand in the light and no longer give way to the darkness .  

It is a unified light where all can see and find there way!  

Darkness cannot consume nor hide from the torch of love United in me.  

They who come to the comfort of a camp fire, 

 are warmed by the heat,    

 comforted by companionship!  

The light and peaceful bond is seen and heard from the heavens!  

Remain always in United prayer by your lives!   

Your words, your thoughts and your actions are to remain United to me and to each other.  

Let the light ripple and let the flames spread,  

 so that all can see and seek truth and love!  

Great things are in store for souls in harmony with Me, the Creator and Savior.  

Be strong and have courage and live in humble, yet expectant faith!  

The Father Will not forsake you!  

It is His Will and Mine for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit!  

It is by acts of Divinized faith and love that this too will come to pass!  

Be my torch bearers for My Flame of Love!   


Luke 12:49 (RSV)

 “I came to cast fire upon the earth; and would that it were already kindled!


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