A book of prayers to the Holy Face of Jesus

Divine Grace!  



Know you place

Stay in your lane

Live the Divine life

The lid of abundance 

Detached from the world

Enriched by the Spirit

Become instruments of God’s vitality and grace

The fullness and abundant life of grace vivifying and purifying everything it touches

The light and love of Christ Jesus

That dwells within us

Be an empty vessel, docile and engaged with the fullness of Grace

A Child of God, destined to fulfill the promise of the coming Kingdom 

Be the doorway to grace 

The purveyors of peace

Be salt and light

Mercy and love

Power perfected in the shedding of those things of the world

All authority has been given to Christ Our King!

Unite fully with our God in the abundant life of Grace perfected by the Passion!

All is grace!

Be consumed in God’s perfect plan whatever he wills!

Seek purity and innocence, the very light and love of Christ that dwells in everything and every soul!

Share the good news!

Christ with us!

Christ in us!

Let the Spirit of light and love burn in our hearts, our minds and in our souls!

Be the perfect reflection of Christ Jesus to everyone you meet!



Purify your memories and calm emotions with right reason and divine intellect rooted in the love of Christ!

God is a God of order

We live in a time of diabolical disorientation (Sister Lucia)

Stay rooted in purity and innocence and seek it always in others

It is by God’s Word

It is by the Word made flesh

It is by the Sacramental graces in his church

It is by acts of charity

A life of service and love United in Faith



Isaia 28:16-29

“Therefore thus saith the Lord God: Behold I will lay a stone in the foundations of Sion, a tried stone, a corner stone, a precious stone, founded in the foundation. He that believeth, let him not hasten. And I will set judgment in weight, and justice in measure: and hail shall overturn the hope of falsehood: and waters shall overflow its protection. And your league with death shall be abolished, and your covenant with hell shall not stand: when the overflowing scourge shall pass, you shall be trodden down by it. Whensoever it shall pass through, it shall take you away: because in the morning early it shall pass through, in the day and in the night, and vexation alone shall make you understand what you hear. For the bed is straitened, so that one must fall out, and a short covering cannot cover both. For the Lord shall stand up as in the mountain of divisions: he shall be angry as in the valley which is in Gabaon: that he may do his work, his strange work: that he may perform his work, his work is strange to him. And now do not mock, lest your bonds be tied strait. For I have heard of the Lord the God of hosts a consumption and a cutting short upon all the earth. Give ear, and hear my voice, hearken, and hear my speech. Shall the ploughman plough all the day to sow, shall he open and harrow his ground? Will he not, when he hath made plain the surface thereof, sow gith, and scatter cummin, and put wheat in order, and barley, and millet, and vetches in their bounds? For he will instruct him in judgment: his God will teach him. For gith shall not be thrashed with saws, neither shall the cart wheel turn about upon cummin: but gith shall be beaten out with a rod, and cumin with a staff. But breadcorn shall be broken small: but the thrasher shall not thrash it for ever, neither shall the cart wheel hurt it, nor break it with its teeth. This also is come forth from the Lord God of hosts, to make his counsel wonderful, and magnify justice.”

(Isaias 28:16-29, DR)


1 St Peter 1:13-25

He gives thanks to God for the benefit of our being called to the true faith and to eternal life, into which we are to enter by many tribulations. He exhorts to holiness of life, considering the holiness of God and our redemption by the blood of Christ.



Filial Obedience and Fear 1:13-21

“Wherefore, having the loins of your mind girt up, being sober, trust perfectly in the grace which is offered you in the revelation of Jesus Christ. As children of obedience, not fashioned according to the former desires of your ignorance, But according to him that hath called you, who is holy, be you also in all manner of conversation holy: Because it is written: You shall be holy, for I am holy. And if you invoke as Father him who, without respect of persons, judgeth according to every one's work: converse in fear during the time of your sojourning here. Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, as gold or silver, from your vain conversation of the tradition of your fathers: But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb unspotted and undefiled Foreknown indeed before the foundation of the world, but manifested in the last times for you: Who through him are faithful in God who raised him up from the dead and hath given him glory, that your faith and hope might be in God.”

(1 Peter 1:13-21, DR)

Brotherly Love 1:22-25

“Purifying your souls in the obedience of charity, with a brotherly love, from a sincere heart love one another earnestly: Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but incorruptible, by the word of God who liveth and remaineth for ever. For all flesh is as grass and all the glory thereof as the flower of grass. The grass is withered and the flower thereof is fallen away. But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel hath been preached unto you.”

(1 Peter 1:22-25, DR)








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