A book of prayers to the Holy Face of Jesus

Purged In Grace  


Free Will surrendered into Gods Divine Will becomes purged in grace.  

It takes on the Divine life in every thought, word and act.  

We flow in union with the grace and harmony of the universe in tandem with the Will of the Father!  

It can be no less than perfect if we cooperate with grace.  

It is not ours to understand,   

It is our to obey!  

Love is selfless.  

Love is meek and humble,  

Grace is grandeur when love begets love.  

The flow of grace in union and harmony with God’s creation,  

and with God himself can be nothing less than perfect!  

Docility seeks grace.  

Docility seeks harmony.  

Docility seeks the Will of the Father.  

It is reverence.  

It is obedience.  

It is love in God’s own Divine Nature.  

It seeks peace and joy and Serenity.  

It is a heart in harmony  

It is the pulse of peace  

It is the soul of grace  

It is a mind in union with God  

It is acts of obedience and love  



“My Adorable Jesus

May our feet journey together

May our hands gather in unity

May our hearts beat as one

May our souls be in harmony 

May our thoughts be as one

May our ears listen to the silence together

May our glances profoundly penetrate each other

May our lips pray together to gain mercy from the Eternal Father”


 John 15:5 (RSV)

 "I am the vine, you are the branches. 

 He who abides in me, and I in him, 

 he it is that bears much fruit, 

 for apart from me you can do nothing."


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