A book of prayers to the Holy Face of Jesus
Simple and Sincere
Ita sit - So be it!
Be simple and sincere!
Glorify God with a peaceful and joyful heart
Love is a simple appreciation and acknowledgment of the glory of God in all things
All creatures adhere and conform to the creator in simplicity and love.
God Will provide
God will preserve
God will protect
Truth and Trust
Simple and sincere
Give praise therefore and be fused into the glory of God in all things
In all creatures
In all creation
In each other!
Witness and celebrate the purity and innocence
in every creature,
In every soul.
It is the light of Christ revealed!
Simple and sincere acknowledgement that,
We are children of God.
And he loves us with a Divine Love!
So much that he left a deposit of faith in each one of us.
Let this candle burn in us
Seek it in all things
Fuel the flame
Give glory to God in all things,
Simple and sincere
Purity and Innocence
Unite now in the Divine Love of the Father
Romans 12:9 (RSV)
"Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good;"