A book of prayers to the Holy Face of Jesus

Divine Intercession! 


To witness great suffering of another is a cross!  

The witness of suffering is often times worse than experiencing it personally.   

A mother agonizes to see a child in pain,  

It unites her in spirit to the suffering and she prays for the torment and pain of the child to end.

This is the heartbeat of intercessory prayer.  

It is promulgation of the Divine Will when we offer up the suffering of a loved one or neighbor as   Intercessor on their behalf, unite them to Christ on the Cross who takes away the sins of the world! 

The bond of love, our Divine union with the Father’s Will becomes in this conjugal act of intercession in prayer, becomes the Trinity of Our Faith, when love attaches itself in Spiritual union between those who suffer and the one who suffered most! 

A spiritual union in the Name of Jesus for the sake of another when we bind the suffering soul to the Savior! 

Don’t you see the efficacy, the unity, of our great power of intercessory prayer? 

The Flame  of Love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus during his passion when perfect charity was perfected, when the prayerful intercession became the Spiritual Martyrdom of Mary United in deep love of each other, and deep love for humanity, when the humanity of Mary and the Divinity of Christ become reunited in reparation for the sins of the world! 

God and his grace have been reunited to his fallen humanity by the fullness of his mercy and forgiveness when Christ is lifted on the Cross and Mary prays at his feet! 

Perfect Charity to reengage the fullness of God’s Grace! 

This is the Divine Will.

This is obedience even unto death.

This is self sacrificing love of victim and of Intercessor, in both body and in spirit!

We as prayer Intercessors, and as ones who hold to truth and who live out the fullness of Faith in the Divine Will of our Triune God,

you remnant become the light of Christ by your unity with the Heart of Mary and her Flame of love!

She is the greatest Intercessor.

She is purity and innocence.

She is love.

“And she kept all these things close to her heart” Luke 2:19

Stay close to the heart of Mary!

Unite with her in Intercessory prayer in Holy Innocence and

bring the suffering souls to the Cross of Christ




Self Sacrificing Love

It is the sum and substance of Divine Unity

As in the mass ritual, the bloodless reenactment of the passion of Christ for the glory and honor of Our God

And we are fully engaged in this act of reparation

And this act of praise and glory that is given to God

Unite our prayers in union with the heart of Mary and Christ on the Cross and receive the fullness of grace

Redemptive suffering isn’t relegated to ourselves!

Offer up the suffering of another in the spirit of family union with the self sacrificing love of Christ on the Cross and the suffering soul of Mary at his feet.

“My Soul doth Magnify the Lord” Luke 1:46

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