A book of prayers to the Holy Face of Jesus
Ask, Seek, Find, Share!
Our Lady Speaks:
Lean into your Vocation and learn and seek the spiritual gifts!
You are chosen
Do not boast!
Do not fear!
You are chosen
With humility and love and thoughtful prayer seek always the higher gifts.
Seek them with thanksgiving and with expectant faith.
You are chosen
Do not despair in the coming days as all will be revealed and you will be the beacons of light for many.
You are my healing balm with your prayerful intercession for the weary and the downtrodden
Many graces will be poured out to assist you in continuing the great commission.
Joy and Serenity are the sign of salvation and the badge you wear to identify you among my chosen.
Be light and love to all my children but be ever so obedient to the Will and the inspirations of the Holy Spirit and of your Guardian Angel!
Trust in Jesus, and do not get discouraged.
I wrap my mantle around you and I am always attentive to your prayers.
Therefore let joy and Serenity be the visible signs of My Sons presence in a world that is being purified of its iniquities.
The great commission of Jesus should be a continuous command throughout the coming tribulations.
Be bold and convicted in your heartfelt prayer requests and Jesus will respond.
Ask and you will receive!
Seek and you will find!
I intercede for my little ones!
I will not abandon you!
Jesus is with you in the eternal now and he will come to those who seek him!
Free Will and choice will always be honored!
So share the good news so that all will repent and return to their creator and Father!
I bless you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.