A book of prayers to the Holy Face of Jesus

Peace and Contentment  


Prepare yourself for the extremes! 

The ones on either end of the spectrum. 

The evil one takes us to the edge to keep us off center and away from prayers and peace. 

Adrenals seek stimulation.

Anxiety seeks Fear. 

Emotions need to remain rooted in solace and serenity where the mind retains its reasoning and its intellect.  Fear is the enemy and panic kills. 

Be the eye of the hurricane, or the healing balm of God’s Grace.    

To be an instrument and a channel of grace we must have the quiet mind and the silent spirit and hold the peace of Christ in our hearts. 

We are then a spirit at rest, and we are able to hear the subtle inspiration of the Holy Spirit, to acknowledge and understand the deeper and true meaning of God’s word in scripture and to speak and to listen in humble obedience to God!   

This is docility! 

This is serenity! 

This is cooperating with Grace! 

Peace be with you. My Peace I give unto you! 

Now let life come to you and give Glory to God always! 

It is said we are either the hammer or the nail! 

I submit we become the hand of God that wields the hammer or the refiners fire, or the healing balm of God’s Grace, his justice, and his mercy, as God in his perfection and his omnipotence desires! 

His will be done, always, in accordance to his word! 

Speak Lord, your servant is listening!  


 Philippians 4:11-13, DR

"I speak not as it were for want. 

 For I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, to be content therewith. 

 I know both how to be brought low, and I know how to abound 

(every where and in all things I am instructed):

both to be full and to be hungry: both to abound and to suffer need.

I can do all things in him who strengthened me."


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