A book of prayers to the Holy Face of Jesus

Inward and Upward!  


We look at the world around us,  

and feel there is nothing we can do!  

It is the inward journey that we must take!  

It is an ever greater intimacy with Our God the we must make!  

It is a unified effort of souls uniting, surrendering 

 and adoring our God and creator in spiritual oneness!  

It is uniting with Our Lady of all Nations as Intercessor to bring us to the Lord.  

It is overcoming vices and a return to purity and innocence so that our prayers 

 and our union with God is more pure and profound!   

Satan seeks division and separation between classes and races.  

We must reunite in spiritual oneness and prayerful union with Our Creator and King.  

In humble and prayerful union, we must bond in prayer and grow in our inward journey of the soul!  

Divine Intimacy and cenacles of love, united with each other and with our God of glory!   

We must strip ourselves of sin and vice, so that purity and grace May once again flow!  

We pray for the Spirit of Truth to come to cleanse and purify us 

 in this degenerate world through the Charity of Christ!  

We must get back to the Cross and the graces created by the Passion!   


 2 Corinthians 4:16 (RSV)

 "So we do not lose heart.

 Though our outer nature is wasting away,

 our inner nature is being renewed every day."

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